A termite infestation can be a homeowner's worst nightmare. The thought of the pests eating away at your home can send anyone into a panic. Termites need to be treated by a pest control professional as soon as the problem is noticed, or they can cause serious and expensive damage to your house. Noticing signs of termites early can be tricky, but there are small signs to look out for if you live in an area prone to termite damage. Once an infestation is confirmed, an exterminator can recommend the best form of treatment.
Swarms are usually the first thing a homeowner notices when termites invade a home. When termites take flight from their colony to establish a new home, they are often found near windows or in bright areas. Finding a swarm in your home is an indication that a termite colony is nearby – perhaps even in your home.
Another sign of termites are that they build tubes made of mud to travel into a home. These thin tunnels assist them in moving around when they are unable to burrow through a material while looking for food. They can be found in a variety of places, including near the foundation of a home, and in an attic or basement. The exposed tubes can be a good indication your home is at risk of an infestation, if it doesn't already have one.
If you're worried about a termite area in a specific location around your home, it is advisable to see if any bugs are visible in the area. Places that are often wet, like around an air conditioner or swimming pool, or spots that have direct soil-to-wood contact, such as decks and fences, should be closely examined. Remove damaged wood or mulch from the area and check for any bugs.
Some homeowners may find termite wings left behind after the pests swarm. This normal behavior can be a strong sign that an infestation is present. These wings can be found where the termites exit the colony, near windows, or any other areas the termites may try to exit the home.
A huge indicator of a termite problem is finding damaged wood. Wood that sounds hollow when tapped could be damaged, and should be investigated. If it is visibly rotting, it could be a draw for termites and should be examined and replaced.
Because termites can cause all kinds of stress for homeowners, having a pest control professional handle the situation is paramount to solving the problem. Contact your local Truly Nolen branch today for FREE termite inspection!