Picture this: You open your window on a warm evening and notice a flurry of tiny winged insects—this could be the first sign of a termite infestation in your home. The presence of swarms does not mean that termites are just now showing up in your immediate environment. Often referred to as the silent destroyer, termites are generally present throughout the year, but homeowners may only be aware of them once the swarms are visible. An infestation may already exist, potentially causing damage to your home.
Termites often invade homes silently, staying hidden for months or even years before homeowners notice them. Subterranean termites are incredibly skilled at creating mud tunnels that twist and wind their way through your house. These tunnels allow colonies to access your home, where they can grow and develop over time.
As the colonies grow and become overcrowded, or there is a food shortage, the laws of nature dictate that it is time to find new areas to colonize, essentially forcing the displacement of many of these termites. When termite colonies become overcrowded, they release winged swarmers to search for new locations to establish a colony. These swarmers, or winged termites, can often be confused with flying ants or mosquitoes to the untrained eye.
Although the primary responsibility of termite swarmers is to reproduce and create new colonies, many will not survive as they may fall victim to other predators or the elements. This may account for the vast numbers that leave the colony all at once, giving a good indication of the size and development of the colony.
Swarmers will leave the colonies in large droves and prefer to fly on warm days. The warm weather makes the spring season the optimal time for this, with peak periods between May and June. Certain types of termites are more prone to swarming during the day, while others will swarm at night.
After an indoor termite swarm, you may find piles of tiny insects or discarded wings near window sills, baseboards, or furniture. This allows the swarmers to exit and continue searching for livable space. Swarmers typically gravitate toward windows or doors where light comes in. If they cannot reach the outdoors, they will die within hours. Homeowners may notice small piles of insects, sometimes just their wings, around the window sills or furniture.
For swarms occurring outside, homeowners will observe large clusters of small, winged termites with swarming time lasting about 30 minutes in any one location.
Observing the evidence of a termite swarm both indoors or outdoors should prompt homeowners to look for additional signs of a termite infestation. Since these low-profile insects will work inside wood or underground, they are not always easy to spot. In other instances, termites can leave behind obvious signs that they have been inhabiting a space for quite some time.
Homeowners are encouraged to be aware and observant of evidence of termites in order to catch any brewing infestations. :
Termites are currently swarming in Southwest and Central Florida and throughout Arizona. Contact the experts as soon as possible to schedule a thorough inspection to accurately identify the type of termite at hand, as well as the most effective treatment application needed.
Accurately identifying and treating a termite infestation is best handled by a trained and licensed termite professional. Your Truly Nolen professional can provide a free home inspection and customized treatment options that are just right for you. Through Trulys Total Termite Protection Plan SM, homeowners are protected from all types of termites under a single contract. Contact your local Truly Nolen today to schedule your free inspection and discuss how we can help you keep your home termite-free!