A daycare owner in Texas recently came under fire for having rodent droppings scattered on the floor of the business, something that health officials consider to be a serious health risk, according to Valleycentral.com. The owner and operator of the daycare declined to comment on the situation, saying that it was taken care of but was mandated to bring in professional pest control to fumigate.
If left unchecked, rodents and their droppings can constitute a serious health risk to humans, especially children. Ever since plague-infected rats infested ships in the Middle Ages, rats and other rodents have been notorious for the spread of disease, and for good reason. According the CDC, rodent droppings can be responsible for the spread of dozens of diseases, including a variety of contagious viruses that are serious risks to health, some potentially fatal if left untreated.
Always wash hands thoroughly after any contact with a rodent, wild or domestic. Since humans and rodents share such a wide variety of diseases, it is wise to avoid contact altogether and always wear heavy-duty gloves when coming in contact with rodents and their droppings, says the CDC. It is equally important to avoid allowing any dried droppings to become dust, which can contaminate the air and lungs potentially spreading disease. Spray down any areas that have come in contact with rodents with a mixture of one part bleach per 10 parts water and allow it soak so that any viruses or bacteria will die. Items that cannot be treated with cleansers can be left in the sun for several hours to kill any germs or bacteria.
The best way to avoid contact with rodent dropping is to remove the pests from the home. Put all foods in glass or plastic containers inside cabinets to hide the scent from rodents. Plug any holes or cracks that are big enough for a rodent to slip through, especially during the winter when they are more likely to enter homes in search of food and warmth.
If the problem is too severe for these measures, it is time to call a commercial exterminator like Truly Nolen. Extermination of rats and other rodents is best left the professionals in extreme cases and, considering the risks, is well worth the phone call.